This true story tells about the last Bighorn sheep to live in the Sinks Canyon of Lander Wyoming. His life as a wild creature changes drastically when his herd dies and he descends the cliffs into the canyon. What he encounters will change his life forever!

About the Author
Growing up on a farm in a then rural part of Massachusetts south of Boston, fostered my love of animals. My grandfather lived on one side of my family home and raised cows, sheep and chickens. My uncle lived on the other side and raised horses, goats and pigs. There was no shortage of feral cats, stray dogs and newborn babies to inspire a feeling of nurturing and caring for living things. My love of children was ever present. While at family gatherings, the cousins who were my age would be hanging out with the adults, listening for gossip. I’d be with the infants and younger kids, being silly and getting them to laugh. Having a family of teachers helped guide me into my career of over 30 years, an elementary school teacher. These parts of my life and upbringing naturally lead me to a desire to write a children’s picture book.
Fast forward 25 years when my husband and I decided to move west for a simpler and slower paced life. We settled in Dubois, WY because of its close proximity to Yellowstone National Park and its small town feel. To our great surprise, just a few miles down the road from our house, was a diminishing herd of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep. Each fall we’d observe their rut in the brutal cold of Wyoming’s months of November and December, only to be rewarded in the spring to witness the birth of the lambs that were just days old. About 70 miles east of us was another location where the herd had disappeared because of limited food supply, predators, disease and other factors. What did remain was the story of Bam Bam, a ram that was the last to leave the canyon where he was born. His story is what inspired my first book.
Lori Sincavage